Walk around Damflask and lunch at The School Rooms

movement nature Sep 04, 2020

The Kids are all back at school!  Lets' walk, talk & eat

One of the important parts of having an ambitious lifestyle business is to actually design your lifestyle and not just work.  The last 6 months were amazing yet tough.  Today our eldest finally returned to school so Jen and I can get back to being our best selves.  We are going to be disciplined at making sure we schedule all the fun stuff that is great for us as our priorities, work will always happen.

We were up at 5 am (we are larks) doing our work thing, the kids were up at 7 am, Jen did Flex at 7:30 am Chris then joined Jen for Pilates at 9:30 am.  Then we did a little work on the new HotBox On-Demand Studio (opening soon) before at 11 am heading to Damflask for a 6km walk and lunch.  After that, it was off to Lembas to stock up on wholesale healthy essentials )blog post to follow) before the R1SE evening shift,  a busy but beautifully designed day.

This walk is flat, easy, beautiful and has a midway cafe in the picturesque village of Low Bradfield.  We are so spoilt for amazing walks around Sheffield but this one is a belter.  Ideal for when family comes to see you and you want a gentle afternoon stroll.  You can always add on the Agden reservoir to make it 10km+.  It is also fab for a gentle jog.   You can find more details via the Komoot info below.  We'll be sharing all of our walks, runs and cycles on Komoot and via this blog πŸƒπŸ»‍♂️.

At the halfway point Jen became very anxious that I had not checked if the cafe was open.  After little tea last night and no breakfast (Jen and I intermittent fast every day) she was ready to eat!  Thankfully The School Rooms had reopened the day before, phhew.  They were very organized and seemed super Covid safe. 

I missed the Veggie breakfast by 1 minute and was a little disappointed that this could not be accommodated, mind you, I didn't deploy my powers of persuasion and just chose the soup and salad instead.  Jen went for a tuna sandwich and chunky chips.

Although I am usually Vegan I deployed Vaguean eating and had butter on my bread and eggs.  I often hear our chickens laying eggs and it seems quite an effort so I definitely didn't want to waste it 🀣.  The bill came to £30.  I would say the value was okay and the food was also okay.  There was nothing for Vegans, not much healthy stuff but hey we enjoyed it and the plates were returned completely empty.


 When you are in Low Bradfield and just opposite the School Rooms there is an amazing picnic spot, next time we are going to cycle here and take a picnic.  When I was training for an ultra marathon I would run to here, round the reservoirs and back to Sheffield and it was about 25km.

All in all, we were away for about 2.5 hours.  Got our fix of movement & nature and had some great conversations about our plans for R1SE and the future.  It's definitely possible to work whilst enjoying a beautiful stroll with your loved one ❀️.

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