New Look R1SE On Demand

r1se Feb 23, 2021

Nearly 1 year into lockdown and our 1,000 Plus filmed classes deserved a new home.

We have been working with an incredibly talented Israeli software developer who is also a kitesurfer based in the Dominican Republic.  He was great and helped us create a much more Netflixesque.

You can get access to R1SE OnDemand here

Instead of a more list approach, we have adopted sliders (like all the common video platforms) and filters.

You can slide through our latest or most viewed classes or add your own filters such as Power, Rosie, 45 Minutes!

You can also personalise your experience by rating classes and adding them to your favourites.

We hope you love using it as much as we have loved creating these videos.


If you''re new to R1SE click below to check out our two intro offers.Β  Come to R1SE either 4 times or an unlimited times in 2 weeks and see if we could help you be your best self.

New to R1SE? - Check out our Intro Offers

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